Today whakatauki is about getting the work completed and finished by participating work together and combine eachothers ideas, Become 1 not separate scroll down and it will show you more about Ma Pango, Ma Whero Ka Oti Ai Te Mahi.
It is really great to see the thoughtful comments you have written, Stacey - I agree, it is definitely a skill to be able to get along and work with others - especially in the work place when you grow up. Feedforward for next time is to make sure you have fully completed a task before you blog e.g. T_W_ needs to be filled in and in slide two there is no supporting image. This will help to make your work look polished and to a high standard. Kia kaha ki tÅ mahi, Stacey.
It is really great to see the thoughtful comments you have written, Stacey - I agree, it is definitely a skill to be able to get along and work with others - especially in the work place when you grow up. Feedforward for next time is to make sure you have fully completed a task before you blog e.g. T_W_ needs to be filled in and in slide two there is no supporting image. This will help to make your work look polished and to a high standard. Kia kaha ki tÅ mahi, Stacey.